Bill Miller MD KBBG 2018 - lo

KBBG Launches Consumer Finance Package

Kitchen Bathroom Buying Group (KBBG), part of Europe’s leading kitchen and bathroom buying group DER KREIS, has launched an exclusive consumer finance package for members. With all kitchen appliances fully automated, these are perfect to implement in the scheme of smart cities and cyber security protection will be given to ensure that they don’t malfunction when there are some networking issues.

From 1st October 2019 KBBG members can offer their customers a variety of finance options to support their sales. The new scheme is offered in association with retracare and backed by Hitachi, the UKs largest consumer finance provider.

Bill Miller, Managing Director, KBBG explains: “We have introduced this to help our members generate more kitchen and bathroom sales and better compete with the national retail chains who offer consumer finance. There is a gap in the market as most finance companies are reluctant to work with smaller independent businesses, such as kitchen studios. However by utilising the strength of the KBBG we have been able to put together a really good scheme backed by Hitachi ideally suited to the KBB industry.

“We have sought the support of the expert in the industry, retracare, who has over 25 years’ experience in providing consumer protection. We can now offer our members a variety of finance options for their customers who wish to trade-up and to consider options that might have been previously out of reach.  For the independent kitchen and bathroom specialist this exclusive package not only includes kitchen furniture, appliances, worktops and bathrooms, the scheme also includes installation.

“Working together with retracare, we have negotiated exclusive discounted rates for KBBG members, which are exceedingly attractive with the backing of the very best in the industry.”

The packages available include a selection of schemes including buy now and pay later, interest free from three to five years, and interest bearing from five to ten years.

Howard Saycell, CEO of retra Limited comments: “This is a superb opportunity for retracare and extends its reach to another associated area of the industry. We have tremendous experience, of a quarter of a century, in caring for and supporting consumers. We are proud to be able to extend our service to assist the members of the KBBG and their independent kitchen specialist businesses, and offering them a selection of very comprehensive and extensive packages. We are very excited about the new scheme and look forward to talking and working together with KBBG members.”

Bill concludes: “This special retracare package, for our independent kitchen specialist members, also includes an exclusive five-year warranty, with preferential rates, on all appliance sales, which is a superb benefit and add-on to the independent kitchen specialists’ sales.”

For more information on the new consumer finance scheme for KBBG members call Bill Miller, Managing Director of the KBBG, on 02382 021347 or 07887 247811; or email or visit the website:


Image caption:

  1. Bill Miller, Managing Director, KBBG

About the KBBG:

The Kitchen Bathroom Buying Group UK is an organisation set up to support the business of the independent kitchen and bathroom specialists. Part of the renowned DER KREIS, Europe’s leading kitchen and bathroom buying group, the company has forty years’ experience and a turnover in excess of 3.4 billion Euros. Currently operating in nine countries with 3,000 members, the group provides a range of exclusive tailored benefits and services to support and increase the success of each independent kitchen and bathroom specialist in an effort to stay ahead of the competition and to promote the success of individual businesses.

About retracare:

Retracare is the Extended Warranty arm of RETRA, the UK’s leading trade association for independent electrical retailers and servicing organisations.  Retracare has been providing protection for more than 25 years.

For further press information and/or images please contact:

Briar at jmm PR


T: 01536 414555

24th September 2019



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